


TreeGenerations is a nonprofit organisation founded in 2021. Its members are committed to a green future to protect the planet and proliferate actions that lead to a healthy man-nature balance.



We work with young and old. In this way, we guarantee knowledge transfer and sustainable development of the project for current and future generations. 


Belgium based

Our organisation is based out of Antwerp, Belgium. Our first project, however, is run in Nicaragua as a result of the ties some of the founding members of TreeGenerations have with the country..



TreeGenerations is a nonprofit organisation founded in 2021. Its members are committed to a green future to protect the planet and proliferate actions that lead to a healthy man-nature balance.



We work with different generations. Our focus is on young people. Knowledge is transferred and practical experience enabled. This way, we guarantee the sustainable development of our project for current and future generations. 


Belgium based

Our organisation is based out of Antwerp, Belgium. Our first project, however, is located in Nicaragua. This is a direct result of the ties some of the founding members of TreeGenerations have with Nicaragua.

All our members share the following vision and principles


Trees are vital to life

Trees are the greatest plants on earth.  They are multifunctional. Trees stabilise soil and regulate humidity. Forests function as a mass air purification system. Forests are crucial to life on our planet.

An ecological, socio-economic benefit 

Raising awareness, transferring knowledge and providing opportunities enable people to participate the tree planting process. It generates benefits such as additional income and nutritional value. 
Biodiversity is essential for ecosystems   
Up to 90% of trees and plants in tropical forests depend on animals. Protecting forests means protecting flora and fauna. Reforestation creates new habitats for endangered and non-endangered species.
The answer to a global problem is a global alliance
Collaboration between small organisations, large ones and local communities results in a significant impact on global goals. Consequently, every individual matters and plays an important role. 

Our project is designed to achieve multiple objectives: a better life on our planet, a better life for local people and a better life for wildlife


To plant more trees in an ecologically sustainable way, while increasing productivity and generating an increase in income, we deploy 4 types of agroforestry systems:
°agroforestry in 3 layers
°the silvopastoral system
°orchard around patios
°living fences


To plant more trees in an ecologically sustainable way, while increasing productivity and generating an increase in income, we deploy 4 types of agroforestry systems:
°agroforestry in 3 layers
°the silvopastoral system
°orchard around patios
°living fences

Agroforestry in three layers

By the three layers system we plant a wide variety of native trees and shrubs. Including non-valuable and high-value timber species and species whose fruits, berries and herbs are very nutritional. Agroforestry increases biodiversity and soil fertility, and reduces soil erosion.                                


Silvopastoral system

Trees play a role in farm productivity and provide shade and fodder to cattle. The silvopastoral system combines trees with grassland on the same piece of land. The trees are species whose foliage is eaten by cattle. The half-shadow pastures have a high nutritional value. 

Orchard around the patios

Most of the common tree species provide fruits or are important timber or firewood species. Proper diversity planning and good monitoring ensures that enough trees are planted. A part can be retained for these uses so that planting trees also return into a profitable activit. 

Living fences

Living fences are eonomic friendly, an initial investment in seeds and saplings but no maintenance expense. They are sustainable, lifelong investments in the planet as they last as long as the lifespan of the planted tree. They are natural windbreaks, they act as barriers to reduce and deflect wind. 
Why biodiversity is essential for the resilience of forests   


Wildlife is vital to maintain the balance of life in forests. At the same time, forests provide wildlife with a habitat, shelter and food. Many animals use trees for resting, nesting and as a place from which to hunt or catch prey. Reforestation creates new habitats for many animals, including endangered ones.  


Birds play an important role. They provide a wide range of “services” necessary to maintain biodiversity. They feed on insects and thus keep the population of insects that eat plants in check. They help disperse seeds. 90% of native and exotic bird species react quickly to (re)forestation by building nests in (re)forested zones.


Insects are part of all kinds of cycles that are essential to maintain balance in nature. They provide food for numerous animals, including birds. They contribute to a healthy soil and provide humus formation. They spread fungi that also play an important role in decomposition and soil structure.

Why cooperation is important to achieve our goals

We strongly believe in the saying many hands make hard work easy. We can only successfully create a green earth, if we collaborate with as many people and organisations as possible. 



Cooperation with the local community is crucial to guarantee the sustainability of our project. We work with local people and small farmers in the region. We provide  a wide variety of plantlets from our nursery free of charge.



Collaboration with local organisations that pursue the same goal is of great importance for expansion. With their knowledge and years of experience, they are in a position to monitor planting throughout the entire deforested region.



We are very grateful to our donors and sponsors, who provide us with the means to plant more and more trees. With their generous contributions, they cooperate and support us. Every donation – small or big – are of great help.



We join the global tree planting movement. We appeal to organisations whose goal is to plant billions of trees and who provide resources to local organisations to reach this goal together. After all, we all want a better, greener planet.
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National registration #: BE07 683202 71 

Phone: +32 495 541324