7 other things that happen when you donate

So you know what we do with your money, but did you know that by donating and supporting our cause, you are also triggering the following events?

Here are 7 more things that happen when you send us your donations:

1. Hyping the tree train

You donate. The cogs start churning. We allocate our funds to the relevant people and they plant trees, but did you know you are now directly responsible for creating the TreeGenerations hype train? Yes, that is right. Your donation (or rather a tiny portion of it) is used for marketing and advertising purposes. So, at least you put your money towards hyping something that is awesome like promoting trees.. 


You pushed the hype train. Now what?

2. Employing the unemployed

Although we are but a small nonprofit in a gigantic pond of nonprofits, we already employ two people fulltime to guard our newly planted trees, help us plan for dry and wet seasons and do the actual hard work of turning seeds into saplings and saplings into magnificent, stout trees. By employing people in impoverished nations, we offer those friendly to trees with an opportunity to provide for their families and overcome their harsh living conditions. Not only our employees but their families as well rely on your donations to survive and build a future.

3. Trees and climatological alchemy

Donating to TreeGenerations turns you into somewhat of an alchemist. Why you wonder?  Well, trees are all about alchemy and that in the most wonderful of ways. Trees just existing set in motion a complex series of processes called photosynthesis and photoremediation. Um, photo what, you ask? Photosynthesis allows trees to absorb carbon dioxide and release it into the air as oxygen. Yes, that is the same oxygen we breathe in every day! No biggie? Here is the kicker: trees also absorb pollutants such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide through tiny openings in its leaves called stomata. These pollutants are then broken down in the depths of the trees’ organic fabric. This is called photoremediation. Cool, no?

4. Honour and fences

When you donate, we build fences. Fences, fences, fences. Why do we need fences? Simple. Protect our land from neighbours who do not respect land without fences. Our pilot project is situated in Nicaragua, a country with a strict honour code. This means farmers will view your land as fair game, if you do not protect it. Fences do not only send a signal to neighbours they cannot enter your land, it also shows them that you are serious about protecting it. Your donation helps us keep all our trees safe from farmers’ actions and prevents farmers from letting their cattle stampede our saplings and young trees.

5. Blossoming local commerce

100% of the produce yielded by trees planted with your donations goes to our workers. Our workers can use the yield to interact – buy and sell – at local markets. In other words, engage in commerce. Moreover, your donations allow us to hire labourers, which stimulates economic growth in one of the poorest countries of central America.

6. Mitigating disasters

Ever had a bad dream in which the entire world got ravaged by a series of natural disasters? Yes? No? What does it have to do with your donations, you scream with a fist pounding away on your screen!? Well, the tree planting endeavours made possible by your donations help us mitigate the impact of natural disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes and flooding.  Even though forests have a remarkable ability to come back from natural disasters, every tree we plant, helps us keep nature in balance.

7. A big heart: giving back to nature

Finally, it is about giving back, innit?  Giving back to whom? Mother nature, of course, who has given us so much: life supporting atmosphere, minerals, fresh water, vegetation, a plethora of local climates, life supporting weather conditions and much much more. So, if none of the above reasons trigger you to donate, let it be your inner desire to give back to the mother of all mothers. And if that does not trigger you to donate, let it be all of the above.

Now you know what your donations effectuate. Did you know, that somewhere in the multiverse or omniverse, there is a reality without any trees? What would that planet or our planet for that matter look like without trees? If you are curious to find out, have a look at the following article we wrote, just to get you in the loop of things, you know.. Or wanna read about how ants interact with trees? As an avid TreeGenerations supporter – or not – I am sure you are dying to find out what has been uncovered by our internet detectives right HERE:

Want to learn more and get in touch with us? Why not shoot us a message on social media?

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